Khan's Tubelight might hit the big screen in China on Eid 2017, becoming the first Indian film to release in the country along with its worldwide release. in the past, Bollywood films like Baahubali, PK, Happy New Year, Dhoom 3 and 3 Idiots have released in China, however only 3 Idiots and PK managed to win over the audience in that market. The films mentioned above released in China in the second phase of their release. However, Tubelight might get a simultaneous release there. Speaking about the Chinese release of Tubelight , COO of Salman Khan Films, Amar Butala in an official statement said, "Salman Khan Films is delighted that Zhu Zhu has joined the cast of our next production. She brings with her a large fan base both in China and the U.S., and we hope to reach out to them as well with a mainstream Bollywood film. Maybe Eid 2017 will be a holiday Beijing as well!" Amongst other films, ...